Alkaline BBQ "Chicken" Sub Sandwich
Bread: (makes one sandwich)
2 cups of spelt flour
Pinch of sea salt and onion powder
Slowly mix in sparkling spring water to get dough. Cover and let sit in the refrigerator for 20 mins. Set oven to 350.
Cover a large plate with cling wrap and dust the surface with flour. Put the dough ball on the surface and form it into a log that looks similar to a sub sandwich. Rub grape seed oil on top and sprinkle onion powder, ginger powder and sea salt to get a garlic bread top flavor. Bake for 20 mins or so. The bread will be slightly browned.
Bbq sauce and "Chicken":
10-12 cherry tomatoes
Teaspoon ginger, clove and cayenne
Tablespoon sea salt and onion powder
Blend until smooth, put on low heat until thicker consistency.
Add pulled apart oyster mushrooms into the pan with bbq sauce and cook on medium for about 7 minutes, stirring often.
Sauté onions and pepper slices in grape seed oil or whatever you want on your sandwich.
Feel free to add kale, olives and fresh sliced tomatoes.
I used a Mayo spread on my bread although it didn’t come out with perfect Mayo consistency. If you want to try it:
1 cup hemp seeds
1 full key lime juice
Teaspoon onion powder and sea salt
2 table spoons aquafaba (chickpea juice)
Slowly add in 3/4 cup of grape seed or coconut oil as you blend on high. It has a better chance of being the right consistency if you slowly add the oil.